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message Hi, I’m Melody, I wrote my previous story here, I caught my brother shooting 31, he put it in my pussy and still keeps putting <3 I'm fucking everyone except him, we're sitting on the site now, and I almost gave it to everyone on the site, everyone is sick in the ass anyway, I'm moving on to the story I got up in the morning, my mom and dad didn't have my brother on the pc, I sat on his lap and turned on, after a good fuck with him, my mom came and we had breakfast, my mother said she would take care of her and her clothes with my brother (a neighbor's daughter had a wedding 2 weeks later ) then when they left, we were alone at home with my father, my father is a handsome, quite muscular man, I started watching a movie, I started watching a movie, my father said he was going to take a bath, I sneaked into the bathroom after taking off his clothes, I started watching him through the hole, his dick was too big, then I couldn't see him when I got into the shower and quietly opened the door, crouched down and started watching him from behind the laundry, then he suddenly came out and asked what I was doing, his dick was in front of my eyes, I was going to get up and go out without answering, but suddenly he grabbed me and put me against the wall, so I said, ’Just wondering what, I showed him my dick, took off my mini shorts, took off my shirt, left myself to him without answering, took me to the bedroom, laid me on the bed, let's see how he'll stand in it, and stuck it directly into my pussy, while I was moaning, he kept doing back and forth \’\’ he said \’\’So that's it\’\’ and he said \’\’ I was just curious \’\’ and he said \’\’ I showed him what\’\’ So that's it\’\’ and he said \’\'Let's see how he'll stand in it \'\' and he kept doing back and forth \' 'So you weren't even a virgin, bitch, i'm going to fuck you, that's why he was saying things like \\\\\\’Bitch\\\’\\’You're going to be my bitch \\\’ my husband\\\\’\’My bitch Mmm\\’ I responded, and then he suddenly came inside me, and then he put me to bed, put his big dick in my mouth, and ejaculated into my mouth, after going to bed for 1 hour, we got dressed, I'm giving it to my brother and dad, now I'm giving it to him, neither of them knows, I'm planning to unite my mother and make the household a group soon, plenty of fucked days

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