To find out what was happening at that hour, I immediately put on something (I usually sleep with a frost in winter) and opened the door. The sight I saw was exactly like this: a woman in a nightgown (our neighbor Emel, she is very beautiful) is sitting on the mat crying, and her nightgown is slightly torn from the side. I paused for a moment, but then I lit the apartment automatic to help and tried to lift him off the floor. Rest assured, I had no bad intentions. The woman had a fight with her husband as a result. Anyway, I pointed him out and wanted to get him into your house. But at that moment we realized that during the commotion, the door had been closed and the key had been left inside the house. I had to invite Emeli to my house. Although Emel was shy, she didn’t have much else to do at that hour.
I took her to the living room and gave her a cardigan first and then a blanket to make her comfortable. After putting on the cardigan and covering the blanket over her, she started to come to her senses a little and her crying stopped. Of course, I asked what happened, and she said that her husband came home against the clock in the morning, drinking and women (?) she said that she smelled, shouted at her about it, her husband got very angry and beat her up (as far as I understand, the beating was a little exaggerated). And when the fight got bigger, the guy left again. And this was after him saying, ”Stop, don’t go…” or something, and the door closed.
I told him not to get too upset, classically. I made him a Nescafe and brought it. He was very pleased with this and told me that I was very polite, that he knew that my divorce from my wife was due to my wife, because he had never been able to get along with her either. Of course, we didn’t get into these issues right away, I’m telling you about where we came from about an hour later. We also put a lot of drinks in the next coffee to calm your nerves. In subsequent conversations, he actually said that he thought me and him might be an ideal couple, and my wife and his own wife might be an ideal couple. Because that’s how our characters fit together. We started to talk about these issues more and more deeply. By the way, it was 8 o’clock in the morning, and after I called my workplace and told Dec that I might be late or I might not come at all that day, we continued the conversation.
While Emel was talking about her husband more and more fervently, the topic came to their sex life about him. Emel actually said that she would have left her husband already, but sexually, her husband satisfied her very well. I witnessed this because their bedroom and ours were conjoined, so I listened to Emelin’s screams and had sex with my ex-wife or partners several times, and for some reason my partners really liked it. Because of this, even if I don’t watch porn movies while having sex, I know very well that I turn on the sounds of those movies and have sex accompanied by music. When Emel was seriously describing her husband’s sexual performance, I suddenly noticed that a light passed through her eyes. At that moment, I realized that Ambition had spoiled your intention. I was also provoked by what Emelin told me.
Emelin’s initial anger and excitement had passed, and now she was purposely telling me about the sex she wanted to experience, making long recipes to turn me on. Her only complaint from her husband was that although she was very performative about sex, she was only having sex by taking him on her bottom and that she was not trying any other position in any way other than normal intercourse. Well, the recipe for the dish had been made, and it was up to me to cook it. I gave Emele a nice glass of wine this time, but I heated the wine and put some cloves in it. I did the same to myself. The joke will come, but Emelle and I were drinking at 9 o’clock in the morning and talking about sex. Thus another half-hour passed. Although Emel didn’t say it openly, she wanted sex and explained it very well with her body language. I am a patient man, I know how to wait if I think the reward will be bigger. So I was accompanying what Emelin was telling with my own memories and telling her about my old sex memories that I thought would seduce her more.
It was now my turn to make my new name. Emele said, “Come on, you’re very tired, come lie down inside for a while if you want, and I’ll clean up the mess.I said. Emel also took the signal and stood up. I took her to the bedroom, took out a clean sheet, laid her down and put her to bed, covered her up, and then looked at her face as she left the room, looking at me stupid and trying to figure out why I didn’t take this opportunity Jul. Of course I was going to evaluate it, but I wanted to be patient and evaluate it better. I have a half jacuzzi in my bathroom. I went and filled the jacuzzi with hot water, made a nice lather with bath bubbles, undressed and took my bathrobe on, then took a second bathrobe in my hand and went to the bedroom…
Emel, of course, was not sleeping, he straightened up as soon as I entered. I told her that I was preparing a bath, that she would forget all this when she washed, I slowly took off her nightgown and that’s when I saw her beautiful breasts for the first time. Nipples are 1 cm without exaggeration. there was so much and I had never seen nipples so long until today. With my eyes on her nipples, I put the robe on her and took her by the hand and took her to the bathroom, she wasn’t making any noise. I took off your robe, and I took off mine. But there was a frost in me. Then again, very slowly, I took off Emelin’s panties by holding them on both sides with two fingers. I was doing everything in a ceremonial mood. I gently pushed him into the bathtub. He said the temperature of the water was too much. I told him to stand in the water for a while, slowly get into it. But we still added some cold water.
At that moment it occurred to me that music was missing. I put the Memories 9 CD on the stereo and went back to the bathroom. Emel had lain down in the bathtub and disappeared everywhere except her head in the foam. Again, without any haste, I slowly soaped Emelin’s arms, shoulders, back. As I soaped, I could feel that the ambition was loosening. Even with just my soaping, their breathing was starting to differ. I soaped the fiber again and this time I started rubbing the front of her body, first the upper side of her chest, then her breasts, again gradually. When he started rubbing her breasts, Emel closed her eyes, perhaps a little ashamed. Now his breathing had begun to change completely.
So I took off my robe. By the way, because his eyes were closed, I immediately took off my underwear and sat down directly opposite him in the bathtub where Emel was Decked out, facing him face to face. Now my feet were next to him, and his feet were next to me. I took one of his feet and started washing his foot and leg with water and fiber that was already bubbling. First the toes, then the ankle, then the calves, I was going up slowly with round circles. And as I went up, I started to hear little moans from Emel. When I was walking around her pussy, she wanted me to touch her thoroughly now. He still hadn’t opened his eyes. Just when I got to her cunt, I stopped there and started lathering her other foot.
I lathered one leg for about 10 minutes and drove him crazy. Just when he thought I was going to reach the goal, when he turned back to the tip of the other foot, he opened his eyes and said, “Don’t play with me anymore, whatever you’re going to do, I’m not used to this!” said. I ignored him and kept rubbing his other foot, ankle, calves. I was getting closer to her pussy again, and she was officially starting to moan loudly now. He wanted to moan and turn me on and have sex as soon as possible. After about a 20-minute foot-leg rubbing session, I let go of the fiber and pulled myself up to her in a sitting position, lifted her up and sat her on the edge of the bathtub with her legs in the bathtub. The waters, soaps and liquids of her femininity drained from her pussy were dripping into the bathtub…
I knelt down between her legs and felt her body contract before I even touched her. Dec. Or when I’m thinking about whether I’m having an orgasm without touching a woman at that moment, “I figured out what you’re going to do, I’ve seen my husband in a porn movie a few times, men lick women, but no one has ever licked my pussy before!” said. It turned out that this was because of his contraction, and I got into the air for nothing. I have to admit that I was very happy with it from the bottom of my heart, because a little later I was going to do something to him that he would really like very much. Stroking her with my hands and saying nothing, I slowly started to move my tongue around her cunt. She was moaning again and I hadn’t reached her clitoris yet. This time I started to move my tongue around the lips of her pussy, gradually moving my tongue around and making tiny strokes towards her clitoris. Emel, on the other hand, grabbed my head by my hair and was neither pushing me too far nor pulling me back. It was as if he wanted my head to stay at the same distance all the time. He was ashamed to bury my head in his cunt, and he couldn’t push my head back because of the pleasure he got. I was feeling it very well, so I kept Decently working in the same position, but in the meantime I was making more tongue strokes towards her clitoris.
porr video Tonåring Hej vänner, Jag vill först kritisera att denna webbplats länge sedan jag…
Asumanが膝の上で前かがみになっていて、オーガーのようにBehiyeの猫の中で手を前後に動かしている間、Behiyeは時々言った、「スローダウン、あなたはクソ雌犬!"彼はアスマンの手首を握り、彼の手を動かすのを防ぎ、時には"いくつかを吐き出してください!「彼は時々、「ハ、それは大丈夫です、それを維持してください! 彼は言って監督していた"… しばらくして、アスマンはベヒエが望んでいたリズムをキャッチしていた。 今、Behiyeの苦い苦い落ち着きは、喜びのうめき声だけに置き換えられていました。 "うーん、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ!」うめき声を上げながら、彼は両手で胸をこね、時には拡大した乳首を引き裂きたいかのように割礼し、再び胸をこね続けました。 「ハルン兄弟、トイレからペグを持ってきてくれませんか?「彼が言ったとき、私は驚きでBehiyeを見ました。 一方、Behiyeは恥ずかしがり屋の笑顔で、「持ってきて、持ってきてください! 洗濯機の上の棚にある小さなプラスチック製のバスケットにペグがあります!"だから私はベッドを記録するためにドレッサーに自分の携帯電話を入れて、バスルームに実行のために行ってきました。 私はそれがあったように小さなバスケットを取り、寝室に戻りました。 私が到着したとき、AsumanはBehiyeの猫の中で手を動かすのをやめました。 私がバスケットをアスマンに渡したとき、ベヒエは言った、"彼にそれを与えないでください、私にそれを与えてください!」と言った。 Behiyeは私が彼女に与えたバスケットからラッチを取り、慎重に彼女の左胸当てをラッチしました。 それから彼は彼の右の胸にもペグを置きました。 それから彼は別のラッチを取り、ラッチを再び彼女のクリトリスに慎重に挿入しました。 Behiyeは、彼女の姉Hüsniyeがそうでなかったように、本当に少し「Asortik」でした。…
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